Yesterday was the chicks birthdays (as far as we know). They were five days old yesterday. Last night Hubert & Pauline came over and brought us a loaf of squash bread and some apricots off their tree (not the bread). We also picked some figs off the tree and then we walked out to look at the chicks. I had assumed that my favorite chick had some sort of growth on its breast, but Pauline and Hubert both said that was the chicks 'craw', and that when they eat the food goes into the 'craw' and (I guess) it stays there for a while. I had always heard the expression 'stuck in your craw' but I never really questioned what a 'craw' was. I will look that up later and report back. Okay, why wait? The dictionary says a 'craw' is 'the stomach, especially of a lower animal'. So, there you have it!

We got rain, YIPPEE! It started raining here about 3 o'clock this morning, and it included quite a light show and sound effects. Very nice. By the time I went out to get the paper and conduct my morning rituals, we had received about 1.1 inches, and it kept raining most of the morning. So far, we have had 1.79 inches of rain since my last report, and there may be just a teensy bit more overnight. So far, so good. Now, it could quit raining for about a week or two, and start over again, that would be very nice, thank you very much!
Nice day in the office today, although I was not there for too much, I had two meetings in the morning, and then met my friend Bryan for lunch. Then it was forecasted that we would have some good downpours this afternoon, so I left the office early in anticipation of that. But, so far no more rain, but I will sleep happily tonight. I may even get another cutting of hay within a month, the fields look LOVELY and GREEN, so that is very nice.
On my drive home this afternoon, I also had a nice long talk with my friend and colleague Deb, and it has been way too long since we last had a chance to talk. We are busy plotting and planning, so that is always fun. Stay tuned!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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