Okay, well it has been a long night, and an equally long day. It REALLY rained last night, and then it rained a little more, and then it rained even more. When I left the house this morning, it was still dark and we had received over seven inches of rain in the last twenty four hours. And that was really nothing compared to the rainfall amounts other places (not that far from us) had received. There have been reports of 13 to 18 inches of rain in the past 24 hours. CRAZY. Oh, and did I mention that it was windy too? I am glad that I went out to the front of the house and went down the driveway before I headed off to work, so I was aware of the tree that fell over from the land adjacent to ours. It took me a while to move it enough to get out of the driveway, and I need to saw it up later this evening.

was scheduled to take a tour of City Hall this morning, so I was to meet at the Board at 8 o'clock. Of course, since it was still raining, I left early and made EXCELLENT time. I got there at 7. After that tour, I was off to a couple meetings at the Texas Association of REALTORS, and I finally made it back to the office about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. ANYWAY...the tour of City Hall was pretty interesting, and since I had never been there, it was great. The new City Hall opened in 2004, and the tour provided lots of information about how the building was designed, etc. There is lots of art throughout the building, and the art rotates every twelve months. My friend Pam was particularly fond of this little 'piggy' sculpture! PERFECT!
I will add more to this post when I get home later...
Okay, I am better now. Getting home was pretty much of a breeze, although it rained on-and-off all the way. Once I got home, I cut the biggest limbs off the fallen HALF of the tree that was blocking the drive, so at least now we can go out the driveway without going across the grass. Those Hackberry trees are really brittle, so the sawing part was not as much trouble as I was expecting. When I was trying to do it this morning in the dark and the rain, it seemed like a much greater chore!

After that, Jody and I got in the Mule and drove back to check on the cattle. They are pretty much ankle-deep in mud, and the tank if FULL. All three of the tanks are full, so that is a good thing. Yesterday, this tank was BONE DRY! Not a drop of water in it, and now it is spilling over. Incredible. This is a picture of the big tank in the front west pasture. We are not pushing 9 inches of rain since yesterday, and it is still raining off-and-on. Supposed to get more rain tonight, but I do not think it will be as windy as it was last night.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TROPICAL STORMS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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