Hump day! Tomorrow I will be heading out to San Antonio for a class, so I want to get to be even earlier than normal (for us). I hope to leave the house before 6 o'clock in the morning, be at the office a little bit before 7, and head out to San Antonio just a little bit after 7. It should only take about an hour and fifteen minutes to get to San Antonio, but I would rather have time on my side. You never know what might happen with traffic.
Not a bad day today, I was actually able to get a lot of work done, and even got some things on my desk (and in-box and cubby holes) sorted and filed away. That was a pretty darn good accomplishment.

I had a luncheon meeting at the Board this afternoon (Professional Development and Education) and I left the office a little bit early to go buy some new shirts. I went to two different Stein Marts, and finally found what I was looking for at the second one. $20 each for nice shirts, even cheaper than I can buy at Second Looks. I think that is a pretty darn good deal. The lunch sponsor today was Greg P who is a tireless worker for the Pancreatic Cancer foundation. Greg's mom died with that, and he catered the luncheon today (he is a wonderful chef) and asked for voluntary donations for lunch that would be passed on to the Pancreatic Cancer group. It was a great luncheon, and great meeting, and contributions were made to a very worthwhile cause. This is a photo taken after the meeting had started, and that is Greg P at the podium.

More clouds, more beauty, not so much rain. Austin seems to be getting all of the rain these days, but that is okay. We had a brief shower this afternoon according to Jody, and our fields are looking wonderful. I have no doubt that we will get another cutting of hay before the season is over, that will make three cuttings this year, so that will be terrific. While we were sitting at the table having dinner, we could see rain off in the distance, maybe six or seven miles, it is really hard to tell. But the clouds are worth noting, anyway.

When I got home this afternoon, the chickens were up on the front porch of the house. They are getting really brave, and I hope that does not lead to their demise! The porch of the house is at least 50 yards from the coop, and a good bit of that is open grass, no trees to protect them from predators. So, I just hope they know what they are doing. They are pretty good sized, and I am not sure if a hawk could grab them up, but I think they could sure try. We shall see.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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