Today was not a terrible day, it is just that some days are more rewarding than others. I was talking with my friend Jim on the phone this afternoon, and he asked me if everyone I knew was stressed out. He told me that everyone he comes into contact with is just stretched (and stressed) to the maximum of their tolerance. I had not really considered that, but it would certainly explain a lot of things that seem to be going on, locally, nationally and internationally. We just all need to recognize that we are stressed, and take a deep, collective breath. Inhale PINK, Exhale BLUE! All together now...
I wish I had a picture of me walking out tonight to feed the chickens. They have taken to hanging out in the bamboo between the house and their coop, and today when I went out there, I expect it would have been reminiscent of the Pied Piper. They were all flocking to follow my over to the coop. I love those chickens!
I am going to go out and check on the cows in a few minutes. They seem conspicuously absent. It is pretty darn unusual that I cannot see one cow from the house, so I will go out there just to make sure all is well. Jody is going to go out there with me, so we are just waiting for him to finish up his coffee.
Jody reports that we received 4-one-hundredths of an inch of rain today. That was according to one of our nuclear powered weather stations. I think it will take a little bit more rain than that to make a significant difference around here.
The wind is coming up a bit, so maybe that will mean another little bit of a chance of rain. Last night there was lightning all around us, but again, no rain. The temperatures are supposed to cool down some for the next two days; highs in the LOW 90's. I think it is crazy that we think that is exciting enough to write about!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, INHALE-EXHALE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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