It was a very nice day of accomplishments at the office today. That is always nice. I did have a couple 'panicky' moments, but overall, everything went very well.
I showed some property this morning, and one of the houses I showed had a couple nice blooming plants. This Mallo was very pretty, and I took another photo of (what I think is) a hyacinth vine, also know as a lab lab bean plant. I will share that photo with you tomorrow.

I left the office just a little bit after 4 o'clock, and traffic was not really terrible; it was actually a pretty calm ride home. Along the way, I did actually get rained on a little bit, and the clouds were very interesting. I really like looking at the clouds. I don't see cocker spaniels or water Lillie recreations in them, but I do enjoy their beauty. I got home about 5:15 and I was actually surprised about that when I looked at the clock. I got to watch some of the news, before I went out to feed the chickens and give them some fresh water. I also gave them some of their big girl food this afternoon. I estimate they will be five months old next week, and they should start laying any time now. SO, I have started them on an organic 'laying' mash, which should help the process along.
Once we sat down to eat, the phone would not quit ringing, but it was people that I needed to speak with, so I had to take the calls. Finally, I sat down to eat, and it started raining pretty good here. We have about 35/100 of an inch in the gauge so far, and that is great. Nice little occasional rains are good for us.

This (so far) has been a really GREAT hurricane season...this makes twice this month that a hurricane has gone ashore in Mexico but has brought us nice rain. Not as much this time as last time, but the storm has just hit, so we can still wait and see. This photo is from the breakfast room, looking out onto the covered patio, to the pool and back to the pastures. Everything is lovely and green, so I hope we will still get another cutting of hay this year. That would be just swell, Andy!
Teaching a Saturday class at the Board tomorrow. Gotta go!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BIG CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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