Today started nicely, and ended nicely, but the middles were sort of concerning. On my way to work this morning, traffic began to slow, and an ambulance passed on the right shoulder; then five or six motorcycle policemen passed on both shoulders, and then a couple fire trucks passed wherever they could pass. I could see the twinkling lights not too far up ahead, and eventually all the traffic was being squeezed into the right lane and the shoulder of the Interstate. It seems an 18-wheeler ran OVER a small red car, and pushed it into the car in front of it, and into the truck in front of that. I do not think anyone was badly hurt. It is very amazing how automobiles are engineered today, they are involved in wrecks that you would not think anyone could survive, and the passengers (many times) just walk away from it. I think that is the case of this wreck. In this photo, you cannot see the car underneath the big truck, you can see the car that was in front of it, but not the truck that was in front of that. But, what I believe to be all the passengers looked remarkably unhurt. Who knows.
Then I made it to the office to be greeted by the news of the Sophomore Mathematics major at the University of Texas-Austin who had an AK-47 and decided to take some target practice. I do not think anyone (except the shooter who it is believed committed suicide) was hurt. It seems the notification systems in place at UT worked well, and kept the rest of the students and staff informed and updated. What is the world coming to.
Then we had a meeting of the owners at the office where we work, to discuss parking problems. AND of course, nothing was worked out, and it will only lead to more meetings. We shall see how this all ends up.
Why is it that people in the United States have chosen not to be civil to one another? No one wants to be nice, we only want to be combative and it seems the belief if that the person who can yell and scream the loudest will always win. Who said the meek shall inherit the earth? Will there be anything left to inherit when all the crazies are finished with it?
BUT, now for something completely different. I got home (Jody always says that when he gets to Westinghouse Road heading North, he can breathe a sign of relief) and took several deep breaths and was very happy to be there. We love living in the country, and even though we are just minutes away from most necessities, it is nice to be here where there is no one around us. Very few cars go past our house, I expect we could count the daily traffic on both hands if we wanted to, and there is NO NOISE out here. An occasional coyote cry, a cow bellowing or something like that, but nothing like the sensory overload in the city. But I digress...

I got home and piled up in my big blue chair, and took a quick nap during the national news. I got up and put on a pair of socks and got ready to feed the chickens. When I walked out the front door, all six of them were there in the canna beds to the left of the porch waiting for me, and I went out just a little ways from the porch and sat on one of the benches, and several of them decided to get up in my lap and peck for food. They like to be petted and rubbed, and they especially like their necks rubbed, and they also like their 'waddles' to be played with. Who can blame them, I think if I were a chicken, I would most likely be fond of having my 'waddle' rubbed as well. The mind boggles! But I digress...

I 'pied-pipered' them to their enclosed area, and fed them. I went into the coop to check the egg production, and found only one egg, BUT it was in a different nesting box than the other eggs we have been collecting. SO, I think one of the other four chickens may have started laying, only time will tell. Last night when I went to put them up for the night, there was another egg in the nest, which makes two eggs each day for the last three days. They are not expected to each lay an egg every day...the girls need a rest every now and then, but I would not be surprised to be getting three or four eggs per day when they all start laying. We shall see...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PEACE AND QUIET, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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