We were out WAY past our bed time last night. A friend of mine (Jim) has season tickets to the Round Rock Express Games and he was going to be out of town, so he asked if we wanted the tickets. I think he actually has eight season tickets. I called Jody to see if he wanted to go and he said 'sure' so we also called our friends Lynda and Michael and they were happy to join us. Jody and I have never been to the Dell Diamond, and it was a lot of fun. We had great seats, and it was really a pleasure to see Lynda and Michael. We left the Diamond about 9 o'clock, and it took us a while to get home, but we could see the fireworks as we were leaving. Lots of fun was had by all. Thanks Jim for the tickets, and thanks to Lynda and Michael for meeting us there. BIG FUN!
Got another late start today; I am taking full advantage of this Holiday. I went over to talk with Hubert and Pauline this morning, to develop a strategy for the back pastures, and to talk about getting a plot plowed up for our spring garden. We are thinking of planting about 10 by 20 feet of garden, we probably would not need that much, but I would like to plant some cantaloupe, and they need a lot of room.

I then decided to trim more bushes around the pool, and get some of that under control. During that process, I noticed the Monarch Butterflies are back, we are on their flight path for their southerly migration. They are really lovely, and we will ultimately be pretty well covered up with them. OH, I also noticed another squirrel in the front yesterday, maybe we have a small family of squirrels living here now. Interestingly, we have not had squirrels, since it is mostly farm land around us, not too many trees for squirrels to find forage. The bush trimming all worked out pretty well and I was able to get by without any wasp stings, and of course when that was all completed we decided to head off into Georgetown for spoilers. This did indeed turn out to be a three spoiler Holiday Weekend.
Came home and went down for naps, and that will be pretty much do it for the day. We did have a very brief rain shower just a few minutes ago, and I think the rest of the week will prove to be wet and cloudy. There is a Hurricane (maybe not yet but expected to be one) in the Gulf (Hermine) and she is forecast to bring us a good chance of rain. AND, it looks like it will really happen.
Deeds, Changes, Actions, BASEBALL, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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