We got home, and I decided I would go out and give the chickens some fresh water and then go back and try to corral the calf again. When I got back to the pastures, I discovered that his mama had jumped the gate (not an easy task) and practically destroyed the gate (again, not an easy task) while doing it. It took some doing, but I was finally able to get both mother and child back with the other cattle. Once that was accomplished, I set about securing sections of the barbed wire that I believe are the calf's escape routes. We shall see. I also got a 2 x 4 to use as a lever to straighted up the fence. It took a good bit of doing, but except for a couple dings, the gate looks pretty good.
Then Jody and I took a fresh bale of hay out to the cattle, and I hope all will be quiet for at least a couple of days. I am tired of cattle right now, but this too shall pass.
I am off in a bit to get a hair cut, and then Jody and I are going to have dinner at El Patron in Georgetown. I will finish this entry when we return.
Back from hair cut and dinner. I got my hair cut a little bit shorter than usual, just in time for the cooler weather. I am right on top of it all! Anyway, I tried to describe that I wanted it more layered, not all the same length, and I think it looks pretty good for hair!
Jody had spinach enchiladas for dinner, and I ordered chicken chile relleno. That is what I ordered, but I got a chicken chimichanga, or something like that. Anyway, it was good, and Jody and I are both stuffed to the limit. We are opting out of the apple pie for dessert, but we will still have a little something to get us through until morning.
I went out to feed the chickens, and found another egg, so that makes two today; six eggs in four days, and that is only with two of the six chickens laying. This is all getting really interesting and fun. I think once they all start laying, they will cut back some when it starts getting cooler.
Which is now! It is down to about 70 degrees right now. We have turned off the air conditioner and opened three windows in the house. It will be very nice to have the windows open, and I hope we can do that for at least a couple weeks before it gets too cold for it. We have our wood burning stove installed, and next week I am getting a couple cords of firewood delivered, so it should be all comfy and cozy without spending a lot of energy. We shall see.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CRAZY CATTLE, Kindnesses, WHirled Peas, FUN!
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