After that, I went and cleaned the chicken coop and get them some alfalfa hay for their nesting boxes. They should start laying in another couple weeks or so, so I am looking forward to that. It will be interesting to start collecting eggs from them. They were not let out of their pen today, because Jody and I have plans for the evening, and we will be leaving at about 4:30, and they will not want to be put back in their pens that early; so they just had to stay penned up for the day. I will make it up to them tomorrow. I will also get them some fresh organic feed (to promote laying) next week when I am back in Austin.
Since I will be in Galveston at the end of the week and beginning of the next, we went into Georgetown for me to get a haircut, but my regular person was not in, and won't be in until Wednesday. I guess she is in El Paso visiting her children. I hope to be able to get my haircut on Thursday, that is usually the day she works late. BUT, as long as we were in Georgetown, we stopped at the Dairy Queen for spoilers! WOO-HOO!
So, I will give you all a big report on the fun we are anticipating later. I expect we will be back way too late for me to update the blog tonight, so I will just give you all the fun details tomorrow. There is a first time for everything!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ALFALFA, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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