Another busy day at the Board; a very good meeting from 9 until 2; good work being done for the future of the members. I am very pleased with what we are accomplishing. I made it to the office by (close to) 3 o'clock, and got some power real estate done. Can you believe this is the last day of September? Tomorrow is the beginning of another month, and the year has just flown by. I am really looking forward to the weekend.
Next week, I will be making visits to the Austin City Council members along with the Government Affairs committee at the Board. AND, it will be a busy week. The following week I will be in Seattle for the annual NARPM Convention. Always a lot of good information shared at those meetings.
Another piece of evidence that cool weather is here. The flowers are showing new vitality, and this rose is a particularly pretty one. Very nice.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, COOLNESS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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