I don't mind a bit stopping for school buses on my morning drive to the office. I kind of feel sorry for these kids that have to be getting on a bus at 6:30 in the morning, especially as dark as it is lately. Sometimes on the way home from work, I will see the buses letting kids off, and that means they have been gone from their homes for over eleven hours. That is crazy. I sometimes work that long, but it is not a Monday through Friday thing for me. BUT, in the dark, the flashing red lights make for interesting photos. Almost like my 'photos in the rain' but sans the rain!
Today was a day that was spent entirely at the Board of REALTORS. It was a day full of Spokesperson training. This is the second training class I have had for this purpose; the first was last year for the Texas REALTOR Leadership Program. Very good class held by representatives of the Texas Board of REALTORS. There were fourteen of us in the class, all members of the Austin Board, and all members of the Government Affairs and/or TREPAC (Texas Real Estate Political Action Committee). We all had interviews videoed and/or recorded and critiqued. We all did Impromptu and then Extemporaneous video presentations on a variety of subjects. Some of us then did radio style interviews or Press Conference type deliveries. Overall, it was a lot of fun, and it was a very good learning experience.

On my way home it rained on me a little bit, and the clouds were absolutely lovely. I took several photos of the clouds. Once I got home, I decided it was a good time to go out and clean the chicken coop. I don't know if I mentioned this to you before, but I recently spotted a red-tailed hawk scoping out the chickens while they were running around loose in the yard. They have become a little more brave, and they have started venturing into the more open areas, where there is no protection of the high tree canopy. I expect we may end up losing a chicken or two, but that is how it is in the country. I hope not, but there is always that possibility.

As long as I was out, I also went back to fill the cattle's water trough with water. I have not been keeping the water on in the trough, since the tank where they are it full of water from the recent rains. But, just as a treat, I fill the troughs so they can have some city water. They are a little spoiled!
Tomorrow will be kind of a quiet day. I have a luncheon and that is pretty much all I have actually scheduled. I am certain my schedule will find a way to fill itself without too much trouble. Wednesday, I have an afternoon meeting, Thursday I will be in San Antonio and Friday I am open all day. I wonder what will happen?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TRAINING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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