This was a pretty nice day. I got up and read the paper and did my chores, and went into Austin to teach a TREC Ethics class at the Board. The class fees that the attendees paid all went to benefit TREPAC, so that was a good thing. The folks (four plus one no-show for a total of five paying souls) who attended the class said they really appreciated the Saturday class, and that they would even come to earlier classes if they were scheduled. Last month and this month are the first times we have ever tried classes outside normal Monday through Friday business hours. I think we should keep doing it at least ONCE PER MONTH for a minimum of TWELVE MONTHS so people will know there are weekend classes. I think it could be a great thing to do for the Board members and for TREPAC. I do not think you can judge the success of any new program until you give it a fair chance. Thank you. I will now step down from my soap box.
After my appointments tomorrow, Jody and I are going on a tour of properties; I need to take signs and lock boxes off five properties that have recently leased. Weekends are the perfect time to do stuff like that. We will go from Round Rock to Manor to Central Austin and points in between. FUN!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TREPAC, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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