Living out in the country, on a farm, just 50 miles outside Austin, reality hits quite a bit. Whether it is losing a chicken for no apparent reason, or having an 8 month old calf die (again for some reason but I am not REALLY a farmer), or whatever the reality of the moment is. And some things are consistent; we will see a road runner cross the road quite frequently. We will see crops go in, crops harvested, cotton plants bloom and cotton bales getting ready for processing. There is one particular section of road that, every year we have been here, a coyote is killed and hung on the fence. I do not really know if that is supposed to be a warning to other coyotes to steer clear, or if it is just fence art, but once again, there is a dead coyote on the fence.
The place was a-buzzing with activity today. I was out (almost) before the sun came up cutting and trimming grass around the bee hives, and it worked pretty well, no attacks by the bees. After I finished that, I came in and made breakfast for me and Jody. BUT, having cut just that little bit of grass made me kind of ill, and I was not sure I was going to be wanting to do anything else. HOWEVER, I recovered, and got a lot of stuff accomplished today. Miguel was here and the guys we have had cutting pastures and fields were here, got the last bit of fence re-worked, got all the rest of the pastures and fields treated for weeds and fertilized, and got several trees trimmed or removed and put on the burn pile.
I was TOO CLOSE for comfort a couple times with hornets nests in various trees and flora. Who would have expected to see hornets nests in dead fig tree branches or on a cactus plant. AND, who would have expected to see another snake taking a siesta in the middle of the afternoon where I had been weed-eating. Those things are not quiet, and they cause a good bit of vibration, but there was the snake (who survived the ordeal) snoozing. Miguel is not fond of snakes, but I see no reason to kill a snake just because.
In the middle of everything, we went into Georgetown and made a stop at Dairy Queen. Tonight we went into Jarrell and had a Mexican food fix.
Tomorrow is the start of another work week, and it should be a busy one. THEN next week will be a short week with the Holiday. Looking forward to that already.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, REALITY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!