Friday, August 24, 2012

2012 - Day 237/149 - Friday...

Today was a longish day, made even longer because of a long week.  It is officially the weekend, and I got it started off early leaving the office around 3 o'clock.  I got home, changed clothes, sat down in my big blue chair and took a nap for over an hour.  Now that is the way to start a weekend.  Oh yeah, there was a Happy dance in there too...

I actually took this photo yesterday morning on the way to work, and forgot that it was on my camera.  I was too far away, so I am not sure if this is a wild boar or a domesticated pig that got loose from somewhere.  My thought is that it is domesticated, because it was in no hurry to go anywhere, and there was only one of them.  Wild boars (I think) run in pack and leave a path of destruction.  This one looked like it was just enjoying the buffet.

I started the day with an eviction hearing.  Suddenly (as of late yesterday afternoon) the defendants in the hearing were being represented by an attorney from The Texas Civil Rights Project.  That was interesting, and he had filed a motion for dismissal because he said we had made a filing error.  The judge did not agree and then he tried to get it dismissed for two other reasons, but we prevailed and that was good.  BIG KUDOS to our Assistant Tom for all his hard work getting these things done properly.  He is great.  I do not think this one is over yet, the attorney said he was going to appeal, so we will have to wait and see what happens down the road.

I am going to sleep in tomorrow (I hope).

Deeds, Actions, Changes, EVICTIONS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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