Okay, I TOTALLY remembered that I was supposed to take my alternate route into the office this morning, but the wreck occurred WAY before the cut-off to that route, and by the time I cleared the wreck, it was smooth sailing. Traffic was less dense because of the back-up, so I figured it would be okay to keep going down the expressway (I think that is the definition of oxymoron) to work. I totally second-guessed myself and should never have done that. I will do my very best not to second-guess my self again. It is the same thing that happens if I do not stay in the middle lane like I know I should. It is the same thing that happens when I (used to) got in a line at the bank (remember those days?). I ALWAYS got in the wrong line.
I got to the office and did not leave the place until it was time for me to head north for the weekend. This is the first (of two) SXSW weekends and the city is FULL OF FREAKS. Where do all these people come from and how long will it take them to leave? Well, I know the answer to at least one of those questions.
Anyway, I did manage to get a lot of work done in the office, and I have nothing on my calendar for Monday and Tuesday, so I expect I will be caught up before long. It is a good feeling.
When I left the office, I had chores to do, and I did not get them all done. First I needed to stop at the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions. DONE. Then I went to Buck Moore Feeds to get organic layer mash and some started feed for some new chicks. DONE. Then it was on to Taylor Feed to get some Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks. The bad part is, the chicks are already three weeks old, and that is older than I was expecting. I am getting more chicks next week and I expect they will only be a couple days old, so that might be a problem. I will need to keep them segregated til the newest ones get several weeks old, but I think it will work. Anyway, I got that DONE as well.
I had intended to go to the outlet mall as well, but I just did not have it in me. I need to take a pair of shoes back that I bought in January that are already falling apart. NOT DONE. Maybe tomorrow. I got about six miles from the last stop when I realized I left my cell phone at the Taylor Feed Store, and it was already after 5 o'clock. In fact, they were closing up the place when I left. I called OnStar and they called my cell phone and they answered and said they would wait for me to come back. Such nice people!
That is it, now it is dark, dinner is finished and I (hopefully) will sleep a little bit longer in the morning.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, KIDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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