My friend Jim came out last night and got the last two bee hives, so suddenly we are beeless. He is a brave guy, did the whole thing himself (I told him he needed to bring help, I was not interested in participating), and he did not even suit up...well, no veil, no gloves. I got stung once, he did not get stung at all. He reports that he thinks one of the hives is pretty weak, but I hope it will recover. It was interesting removing all the infra-structure that had supported the hives. You cannot even tell they were ever there. And it was fun being able to walk and ride around the front of the property where the hives had been with no restrictions.
Jody and I did go into Austin this morning just to run a couple errands, and then headed back home. After we got home (about 3:30) I piled up in the big blue chair and slept until after 5 o'clock. Finally then I felt motivated to go outside and cut some grass, but I discovered the battery was dead in the mower. I have the trickle charger on it right now, and it should be ready to go in the morning. Maybe...
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