Today went exactly as planned, if a day can go EXACTLY as planned. You should all know that the sage are a (in my opinion) a much better prognosticator of rain than are the paid prognosticators. In all honesty, I will mark this one down as a tie, because the news last night showed a chance of rain to hit us at 3 AM, and at EXACTLY that time we were having a little thunderstorm. I would have slept through it except the Boy Dog does not EVER sleep through the slightest bit of thunder and/or lightning. Jody and I are both tuned in to his toe nails hitting the laminate floors, so whenever he starts to wander and whimper we don't know what the challenge is. Could be projectile poop. Could be involuntary urination. Could be thunder. It is best to err on the side of caution.
Anyway, I got chores done, and some office work done as well. Pavlov's cattle were waiting in the feed lot for their weekly feed and a fresh bale of hay. I have kept them out of the far back pasture, and the grass has been growing pretty nicely back there. I think I will open that pasture up to them next weekend.
Like a good Boy Scout (is there some sort of copyright on those words that I am obviously violating?), I am prepared.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PREPARATION, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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