Wednesday, October 23, 2013

2013 - Day 296/69 - Wednesday...

All week long I have been under the impression that it was Wednesday, and now that it actually IS Wednesday, it seems kind of anti-climactic.  Not that there is anything wrong with Wednesday, it just turned out to be a Wednesday.  I'm just saying...

I need several of these for the front yard.  I can never find these when I have the truck, and if I have the truck and go searching for these (or other forms of concrete masterpieces) I just come up empty.  But, I think they are fabulous.  There is a fine line between yard art and La-Z-Boys on the front porch, and Jody believes I am erasing it.  I prefer to think of this (and maybe even a velvet Elvis) as a conversation starter.  And interesting conversations at that.

Today was mostly filled with office work, a couple meetings, and a nice drive home.  I have found a new book to listen to and it is very interesting.  It is called Hitler's Furies by Wendy Lower, and it is about women in Nazi Germany and the roles they played in the Holocaust.  "Secretaries, teachers, nurses and wives in the...killing machine."  I am not even finished with the prologue and it am fascinated and horrified at the same time.

I won't be back in the office until Monday, I am participating in a leadership retreat for the next couple days, and I think it will be a great time for fellowship and information sharing, seriousness and fun at the same time.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, SURPRISES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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