Okay, well this might make for an interesting discussion topic. If I am so totally dis-interested in trying to take an interesting photo for an otherwise totally dis-interesting journal entry, BUT I go onto the dis-interestnet and find something that is a little bit interesting and take a photo of that so there will be at least a little bit of interest in the entry, I understand that I will own the copyright (my intellectual property) to that particularly un-ininteresting (or maybe slightly interesting) photograph. But where does that leave the original (perhaps interesting) owner of the original photograph that I found interesting enough (in an un-interesting sort of way) to take my own photo of, and post to try and garner interesting discussion comments to an otherwise uninteresting day and journal post. Does any of this make sense to you? Have I violated some sort of (now this is REALLY un-interesting) vague and (more un-interesting) copyright law? Can I be sued for that action and thrown into a (un-interesting) jail cell (perhaps made interesting if I could share the cell with a Travis County DA who will remain anonymous but HER first initial is ROSEMARY, and she is packin' some vodka) that is accessorily challenged and totally NOT INTERESTING.
Please feel free to discuss among yourselves...
I got home from the office at a reasonable time this afternoon, and it is still a reasonable time as I compose this entry. But that is about as interesting as I can be for one day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, INTERESTING STUFF, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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