you know what day it is? IT'S HUMP DAY!!! Yesindeedydo, it is hump day, and that is almost over already!

As all of you (my loyal and trusted followers know) I got home about mid-night last night, and was back up and at 'em early this morning. The final event of this season was checked off the list with our office party this evening. It was a tremendous, rousing success planned and executed exclusively and single handily by my business partner and very good friend Carrie, It was a wonderful time, and a wonderful time was had by all as well, The band was great, the wine was great and the camaraderie was excellent. Putting a little bit of more effort into it, I kind of have to consider the alternative of the actions that certain people will be taking here we go again, we will awake from our individual slumbers in the morning and be very surprised that it took this log into some semblance of reality
manifested in this toast, Just sit around and consider the alternative.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, Self Medicating and Cleanliness!
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