And by the way, if you look closely, you can see a much better image of my friend and colleague Aaron behind me (the goofy guy with the bow tie)! Note: Photo Credit Austin Board of REALTORS®.
Today was a very interesting day. I consciously felt no stress on the way to work this morning. I had no meetings (none to really talk about anyway), no deadlines, nothing causing me even the littlest bit of stress. It was very nice.
I got to the office, and was able to concentrate on work. We did have a PM meeting in the AM, and shortly after that Kay and I went and delivered our Meals-On-Wheels route, and that was fun. We even volunteered for a couple extra delivery days in the next couple weeks to help cover for other folks who will be out of town or otherwise obligated. It is nice to actually cover for other folks every now and then, I certainly need to be covered now and again.
After Meals-On-Wheels, Kay and I got lunch from El Mercado and sat in the conference room and watched HGTV for a while. Very nice.
My goal was to make it home before dark, but I was not able to get that accomplished. Things come up and things do not always work out the way we expected. BUT, everything ALWAYS works out the way it is supposed to!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GIVING BACK, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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