Well, my premonition of plague and viral chaos as a result of my flu shot and Shingles Vaccination have not developed into actuality, but I have been shot down in my prime with a nasty case of Sciatica. According to the Internet (purveyor of all truths and accuracies medical and otherwise) it was either Sciatica, a side effect of Type II Diabetes or a cancerous tumor that would require a leectomy. The people in the ER are going with Sciatica. I have had milder cases of this before, but this time around I can't walk. I am NOT AMBULATORY. I started noticing this on Saturday morning while I was riding with Jody, and it got progressively worse. Yesterday at lunch with Lynda and Michal I was having a good bit of pain, but I faked it through dinner. When we got home, I had a couple chores to complete and then it was all over. I slept in the big blue chair, and this morning it was off to the emergency room.
BUT, before we went, Jody went out to the front barn and found the crutches. They were in the attic of the barn, which meant he was up on a ladder in the dark getting me crutches. What a wonderful man. AND two crutches work MUCH BETTER than one cane. I'm jus' sayin'!
And speaking of wonderful (in an entirely different way), by the time I got back home from the hospital, the hydrocodone was giving me a glowing sensation and I was feeling much better. I will take another (please) when I retire for the evening.
No work tomorrow or Wednesday, send me good wishes for the ability to walk unaided by Thursday!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CRUTCHES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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