I still cannot sleep in the bed, but the big blue chair works wonderfully well. Even in the chair I did not sleep all that comfortably last night, maybe I had TOO MANY naps yesterday. So, no naps today if you do not count the quick one during Jeopardy and the news. We shall see.
We had a lovely day today, stayed down kind of late, made a pile of eggs and then did a whole lot of nothing for the rest of the day. We did go into Austin to run a coupe errands; it was kind of like the Twilight Zone, not very much traffic at all.
Tomorrow is a work day, and there will be things needing to be done to get the end of the year settled in. Nothing terrible I don't expect.
We are planning to go to Marble Falls on Saturday to see the Christmas lights. We were supposed to go last night, but the inability to walk put a crimp into that set of plans. I am walking much better, particularly after I get started.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, REPTILE SLIPPERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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