My first meeting this morning (7:30 AM) was at the Long Center (just a couple blocks from my office) and it was a meeting of Leadership Austin, including a panel of community leaders who discussed the new 10/1 city council/mayor positioning that was approved by voters last year. Currently we have a mayor and 6 or 7 or 8 council members, all of whom represent the entire city and a strong City Manager. We will soon have a mayor (the only one elected city wide) and 10 single district council members. It will be an interesting change. Something else that was interesting was that I was sitting next to a priest who recently moved here from San Francisco. My friend Nancy was sitting on the other side of him, and she was much better than me with the small-talk. My most recent prior experience with a man of the cloth (as I reported here last month) was at the DPS center where he was ALSO having his finger prints taken for his concealed handgun license. Too much opportunity for jokes there, so I am just going to leave it alone.
I could tell you what the coldest thing in the world is, but there is not sense in getting that started right now. Suffice it to say that this part of the edge of nowhere is pretty darned cold this evening. And there is talk of some freezing precipitation over the next 48 hours. What in the hell is going on?
Sorry Padre.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, COLD, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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