In keeping with tradition, the THEME for this shortest month of the year shall be SOCKS! Every year (this is the SIXTH year of this journal) in February (it being the SHORTEST month of the year) I have a theme, and this months theme was relayed to you above in this paragraph. Look up...first sentence...THE OTHER FIRST SENTENCE. I actually have enough interesting socks that I could go about ninety days without repeating a pair, but 28 days will suffice. But, now that I think of it, I can always fall back on socks if I have not had an opportunity to take an interesting photo on a particular day.

SO, keeping with the theme, here is today's photo. NO SOCKS! I was on a mission before I left Ft. Lauderdale to go and stick my toes in the water. I had no beach wear AT ALL (but I did pass a shop called SMALLWOODS Nautical Outfitters) so I just went down with my slacks and shoes and did the best I could. Of course, the first wave got me wet up to my knees, but that was of little consequence. It was fun, and I recorded it for posterity.
Between last night and this morning I got a lot of work finished, and there will be plenty more tomorrow. I left Ft. Lauderdale about noon and got into Austin about 4:15. Made up time for leaving 25 minutes late, so we actually arrived on time. Got my bags, went to get my car. I usually have my car washed while I have it at the airport. When they gave me my keys, there was a part missing, the part that plugs into my iPhone to give me access to real estate lock boxes. It took them about 30 minutes to find it (how it got separated I have no clue), but they comped my car wash for the inconvenience. Good job guys!
So, home, fed, journaled and ready for bed. PLUS I wrapped up the January readings. You all know I am OCD, and now I am counting the number of spam e-mails I receive on a daily basis. In the month of January, I received a total of 5,201 spam e-mails. Even I think that is excessive. The highest for any one day was 270. CRAZY!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SOCKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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