I will not share with you the circumstances by which I threw my back out this morning while I was getting ready for work, but I can guarantee you EACH of you have done the EXACT same thing THOUSANDS of times. It does make for a really difficult day. I also expect that I will be sleeping in the big blue chair tonight, maybe tomorrow night as well.
Because of my malaise, I was unable to deliver my Meals-On-Wheels route today. Getting in and out of the car and walking to clients doors was jut not in the cards for me. I would be able to stand up straight just about the time I made it to the doors, and would have been okay walking back to the car, but then the whole process would have to start over again.
Interestingly I also had a scheduled doctors appointment for my annual physical, so that was not the greatest timing. Concerns of degenerative discs (the sciatica deal from a couple weeks ago) a pinched nerve (neck pains for about the last year) and miscellaneous conditions that come from excessive age. Crap...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BACK SPRAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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