As Mondays go, this one qualified to be several Mondays.

I thought I would be patriotic today and wear my patriotic socks. I think that was a mistake. There was not too much of anything that I can think of that reflected patriotism today. I am on CD 43 of 45, listening to Atlas Shrugged back and forth to work for the last several weeks. Fifty-five hours of depression. There have been parts of it that I really enjoyed, and parts of it just drone get the point. I thought I was pretty good at meaningless jobber-jabber, but Ayn Rand is the master. I was going to read Fountainhead, but I am not sure at this point. It is making me re-think my mission of reading all the books that I faked reading in High School and College. Maybe I was smarter than I knew way back then...
I was up early this morning, but I did not leave the house particularly early. Traffic was not terrible (as best I can remember) and I got a good deal of work done in the office. I had a whole list of accomplishments to be made, some of which entailed cash, credit cards or identification. When I determined that I had left my wallet at home (how can you leave your wallet at home), it changed my entire outlook for the day. More sturdy stands the bowing reed than doth the mighty oak. You have to go with the flow, and today, my go included driving BACK north to Georgetown, where Jody met me with my wallet.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, IDENTIFICATION, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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