Friday, February 21, 2014

2014 - Day 52/313 - Friday...

Alright, alright, aright, I get it.  It's Friday.  I know that! I got it!

I am always pretty surprised at the places I get left alone long enough to take my shoes off and take a picture of my socks.  I was left alone (and up to my own devices) in a couple interesting places today, but this is actually the only photo that was worth duplicating for posterity.

We got a lease approved on a property that had been vacant for a month or longer today, and as I was relaying the applicant information to the Landlord, I told her that this would be a new day in the Anus of Real Estate history for the property.  I knew exactly what I was saying, and the Landlord started laughing hysterically at it.  It was like something you would hear on Hee-Haw or something.  SO, we both (along with Chris in the office) resorted to sophomoric humor and that made everything just swell.  DON'T SAY SWELL!

I am looking forward to the weekend, a sleep in couple of days with a couple naps thrown in for good measure.

Isn't it interesting that some days you feel like you made a lot of accomplishments, have done really good work and progress is made and some days everything you touch seems to turn in to a pillar of sh*t?  Well, today was one of the good kind of days.

Thanks for asking!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, ANUS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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