I tried my best to stay in the bed longer than usual this morning, but the fact is, once the sun starts coming up, the chickens are out of the coop and making a racket to get loose. Since the Girl Dog has radar alerts to the chimes when the doors open, I make a quick escape to go let the girls loose, and I am not five steps out the door and there she (the Girl Dog) is wanting to go with me. The chickens do not care AT ALL for the Girl Dog (they did not pay a twit to the Boy Dog), so I do my best to keep them as far apart as possible. They particularly do not like it when I have the Girl Don on her leash and they are confined to their screened in place, and there is a Girl Dog just outside the screen. They really start a racket, and I can be trained, so I avoid that. Whatever. This is the sunrise that greeted me this morning after I came back to the house to free the Girl Dog. Very pretty.
I did get some grass cut this morning before I headed into Austin. The rains last month have made it really difficult to keep up with the grass. It should be a little bit dryer this month (although there are rain chances towards the end of this week and into next week), and so I will try to get the grass cutting under control. We shall see. The road to Hell (in this case, the path to the front of the property) was paved with good intentions.
I got some work done in Austin this afternoon, so that was good. Got the car washed on the way home. It seems you are supposed to do that on a regular basis, but we live on a dirt road, so I really do not see the use of it. But it does look all nice and pretty right now.
The coming week will have a few meetings, and lots of office time. Good stuff.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLEAN CAR, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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