Well, on the way to the restaurant, we stopped at PetSmart (we did not take the girl dog along with us) and bought her a new toy to replace the one she lost or ate or hid or who-knows-what. We also got her a new harness as well, since the collar we got when we adopted her tends to cut off the oxygen supply to her brain when she is trying to chase bunnies and dragons. It fits her pretty well, but there will still be some fine tuning needed to make it JUST right.
This morning I got up, read the paper, made a large pile of eggs for me and Jody (and the girl dog, I don't know where she is getting these bad habits from), and went out and got started with the chores. I got the grass cut in the front, leaf blower the patio, trimmed the crape myrtles so we do not have to 'duck' when we go outside, cleaned the chicken coop and probably a few more things before I came back inside and collapsed on the blue chair.
Relatively productive if I do say so myself.
The week coming is allegedly a short one, but I will be showing properties on the alleged Holiday, but not on the official Holiday.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHORES, Kindnesses, Wh
irled Peas, FUN!
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