I was actually able to capture a few good journal photo possibilities, but you know I am just in awe of clouds. Can there be anything prettier than a pretty cloud? I understand that there are ugly clouds as well, and I will be happy to document those when given a chance. There are also rather ordinary, ho-hum clouds, but if you think about it, a cloud could never be ho-hum, no matter how small and insignificant they may seem to you and me. I immensely prefer clouds from the safe vantage point of terra firm, as opposed to being confined to a metallic cylinder hurtling through the atmosphere at a few hundred miles per hour and encountering a cloud. I believe (possibly because I am certainly no scientific expert here) that the fluffier the cloud may look from the porch of the house or from the comfort of my land transporter, the more turbulent it most likely is while traveling through it. Maybe yes, maybe no. But that is my story and I am sticking with it.
I was totally amazed with the amount of work I was able to accomplish today, particularly between the hours of 8AM and 10AM. Quiet. No distractions. No phones ringing. Just putting my head down and getting stuff done. Where would we be without weekends. I can recall a time that I did not get a twit about the weekends. I can remember the conscious thought several years ago that I found the weekends to be precious, and was very guarded about them. But, it seems I am incapable of getting everything done during the five 'work days' and have begun to complete those tasks on the two days following the week. Whatever works!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS AGAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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