The poor morning glories seem to be blooming many places other than the places that I have sewn and cared for them. They do not seem to be flourishing in the specially tilled beds that also contain a series of trellis apparati that would afford them glorious (i.e. glory) climbing abilities. Instead it seems they want to be in a bed of fish-mash flora up against the house, and have seemingly taken on the role of 'ground-cover', most likely to be smothered out by any number of Mexican petunias (is that politically incorrect? I seem to have a flank of bird-dogs that caution me at every twist about something or another that should not be commented on out load or via journal entry) that will take over everything in sight, including entire patches of bamboo between her and the road. I believe them (the aforementioned M. petunias) to be related (incestuously) to the kudzu vines of the mid-south and delta regions in the voracious ability to actually visibly grow at a clip of about 12 inches per hour. But I digress, this entire paragraph was intended solely for the glorification (there I go again) of the morning glories that I so wish would act civilized and multiply in the beds for which they were intended.
We are close to having to rename the edge of nowhere to the swamps of central Texas. Although we have received just about 3.5" of rain this month, we have still not recovered from the 13" or so that we received last month. Every step one takes (even if one finds oneself to be a chicken) is accompanied by a squish and a squirt of mud and mayhem. I am close to waving the (formerly) white flag of defeat as far as trying to keep the grass cut is concerned. Ants are particularly unhappy with the goings on out of the skies. Ants (I may have uncovered a coveted red ant expressway) are covering everything. They are driving the birds away from the feeders, and there seems to be no stopping them. We went and bought a new bird feeder today, and are afraid to put it out without soaking a cotton balls with insecticide first around the wire that suspends it from the tree.
There is no rain forecast for Tuesday, but other than that, it is business as usual.
, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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