Today was a relatively crazy day, it is getting to be that time of year, but it will all be over with before you know it. Everybody wants something, and I am included in that generality. Of course, I want something, and I can be pretty demanding too. What I would really like is for everyone to take a chill pill, quit complaining, and that about what would be best for the majority. And if you don't really care one way or the other, that is perfectly valid as well. Everybody really does not need to have an opinion about everything. How could we all keep up if we all had opinions. I still get overwhelmed when I traverse the toothpaste aisle at HEB. There are just too damned many choices. Why do we need that many different choices of toothpaste?
Not sure, but I will step down now and turn this all over to you.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TOOTHPASTE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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