What day is it? It's HUMP DAY! Wow-Zowee. As a tropical depression I have to admit I was underwhelming. I just had a problem getting my rotation to kick in, and I know you know what I mean. I am still causing a heavy rain here and there, and I did manage to blow down some tree limbs (pretty good sized ones, too) up between the chicken coop and the road. And the girls are really kind of tired of being wet. You've heard the expression that includes 'madder than a wet hen', and I can guarantee you some yokel did not just make that up. These girls are over the rain. I did close the windows in the coop last night, so that was a help in letting them dry out, but you can't catch a bug if you stay in the coop all day. We had some bad storm warning off-and-on throughout the day, and it was HELL ON WHEELS (get it?) driving home this evening. I was never so happy to off an Interstate in all my born days! These clouds were interesting though, different from the clouds I usually post.
A great day though, overall. Good volumes of work done, a GREAT meeting, and them more power real estate before I headed home.
Life is BIG!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, STORMS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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