So, I have my opinions about climate shifts and global warming, just so you will know, and I will be happy to share those opinions, all you have to do is ask. That is not what this particular entry is all about, though. This entry is about the land mass shift toward the east. Central Texas (and particularly the edge of nowhere) is moving eastward at a very rapid pace. Central Texas, for all intents and purposes, should now be considered New Orleans. When I lived in New Orleans, it rained EVERY DAY. Usually about 4:30 in the afternoon, when no civilized or educated person would dare to be outside a refrigerated home, office or Godchaux's on Canal Street. Since central Texas is now the new New Orleans, it rains here EVERY DAY. I was showing property this afternoon, and went inside a building and when I came out twenty or thirty minutes later, it had rained (as evidenced by the wet sidewalk and wet car). I had no idea (not to be confused with IKEA) that it had rained. Last night, it rained two or three times, heavily, for thirty seconds or less. At this rate, we will be in the Bahamas by August. One advantage of the continued precipitation events is this: The flora are going crazy, as evidences by the masses of Lilies around the property. Very pretty. Did I mention last week that the cannas are taking over the back patio area, and should soon be encroaching on the tornado shelter?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, EVERY DAY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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