As I have reported here on a few past occasions, chicken are not, on the whole, the brightest animals on the planet, particularly when there is a bug involved. As you may recall, we have a special game we play called bug, chicken, lawn tractor. So far, the chickens have survived but the bugs are long gone and the lawn tractor will soon be in need of a brake job. The extended heat wave we are currently experiencing however, has given credence to the fact that chickens are not totally void of common sense when it comes to seeking shade and the adequate hydration of their feathery little (for the most part) selves. During the heat of the day, they can be found in the shade of the bamboo (planted specially for them) or under other low lying shrubbery. They might also be found near the HVAC condensation lines. Or taking a dust bath somewhere. There favorite spot is near one of the climbing rose bushes I put out this year, and they seem to be doing a wonderful job of stunting its' growth by continually exposing its' roots in the heat of the day. Towards the end of the day though, in the hours leading up to roosting for the night, many of them will be found at their special, custom made water fountain up towards their coop. They take full advantage of the hydration offered by the recirculating water in the trough, and they can be seen there most evenings as it is getting towards sun down.
I am pleased that the sunset is getting earlier and earlier as we move rapidly through the third quarter of this year. That means the girls all go to bed earlier and earlier, and that is a good thing for this rapidly aging gentleman chicken farmer.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GIRLS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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