Simply put, there are just too damn many pillows on this bed. There are eight pillows on this bed, and only one of me. Three pillows would be adequate, in my opinion. I have three pillows on my bed at home, and that number of pillows has served me well for many years. They are not the original pillows (to be clear), and pillows have come and gone throughout my lifetime. I do not have a favorite pillow, but I have been somewhat fond of a particular pillow or two in my long and interesting life time. I used to have a pillow that, if it were stood up in a corner it was taller than me. I wonder what ever happened to that pillow? I have no conscious memory of having discarded it, and I don't think pillows are accepted at the Salvation Army or at Goodwill. If they are, I think they should re-think that policy. But I digress...the pillow to people ratio at this particular Hotel seems to be overly generous, which could also explain the nightly rate of occupancy (in dollars, not in percentages).
I had to go down to the lobby to get a soda, there are no sodas here on the guest room floors, but there is ice. But if you want a soda, you have to go down to the lobby.
But we were talking about pillows. Where do pillows come from? Is your pillow made in America? I think not. Imports, all of them. That is the real problem, and that is why there are so damn many pillows on the bed in this room. Cheap pillows. We are being flooded with cheap pillow imports. We can no longer compete with foreign pillows. AND, that means that I will spend an extra minute-and-a-half (on the far side of my estimation) REMOVING these pillows from the bed before I can comfortably retire for the evening.
I can hardly wait to see what I come up with for tomorrows journal entry.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PILLOWS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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