HTG, this is the first time EVER that a fire Special Operations guy has asked me if he could cut in front of me to get to the wreck he was trying to attend. Of course I let him, it was the polite (and Karma enhancing) thing to do, and I am ALWAYS courteous and gracious to my fellow commuters. Sometimes they are just not aware of my kindnesses right away, and sometimes I think I can be (accurately) of sending a mixed message. But I am ALWAYS (please let me stress ALWAYS) kind and courteous to the fellow travelers that I share the fast-lanes with. What had happened (as it turned out and was posted as an alert on my personal electronic device but which is illegal for me to fondle while behind the wheel of my vehicle) was that a tanker truck carrying a tanker truck full of liquid asphalt decided it was time for a nap, and that the MoPac service road (about 300 yards in front of me) would be the perfect place to roll over and catch forty-winks. Much like Mike Rowe's dog (Freddy) that chose to take a dump in the middle of a busy intersection in San Francisco the other day (as reported by (or perhaps was facilitated by) Freddie's bi-ped (the previously mentioned Mike Rowe) just the other day). Anyway, as tanker truck rollovers (and the overwhelming urge to poop) go, there is really never a convenient time for that to happen, and it brought back many fond memories of my time spent in traffic in central Texas.
So that is that for the first day of school the the traffic malaise it can cause in central Texas. Oh, and just let me mention the name Mike Rowe once again, because, you know, I need the hits. And just in case Mike Rowe (there I did it again) is checking out this post because the Googles alerted him, I have nothing but respect for you and would never use your name (copyrighted I expect) in anything but a positive manner.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MIKE ROWE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
PS: Hi Mike!
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