Oh my. On the way home from showing property this afternoon, I stopped at the outlet mall (finding a place to park took almost as long as showing three properties and completing a purchase contract). I was on a mission: Tawanna had messaged me a few months ago that the Croc Store was having a sale on pink Crocs. Buying knock-off Crocs from the Family Dollar Store (or one of its' varied incarnations) is one thing, but paying retail just for the privilege of being stylish out on the edge of nowhere has never been on the top of ANY of my lists. But, I have scoured Dollar Stores from here to there, and there are just none to be had. I parked, went to the mall directory and found my target. There I was greeted by a veritable rainbow of Crocs, with the uni-sex sizing conveniently embossed on the bottom of each shoe (?) not far from the indication of its country of origin (not this one). The outlet mall Croc store; where there is no shame for the trend-setter, and Crocs can be had just for the asking (and the paying). Buy one pair a the marked price and get two more pair for half-off! My bag overflowed with Crocs. I have retired the other pair of Croc knock-offs, but Jody took a step back and put his hand to his brow when I suggested I was going to throw them away, so they have been relegated to a shelf in the closet, where, in the future a psychologist will carefully ask if I can "let them go" when it is my turn on the NatGeo hoarding channel makes a visit to the edge of nowhere.
Otherwise, it is still hot, there has still been no rain, there are still cracks in the ground because of it, but the closet is a bit more colorful than it was when I left this morning.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CROCS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
PS: There are ten uses of the word CROC (or CROCS) in this entry, including this one. Make that eleven.
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