I think this plumeria has finally settled in and decided that it is INDEED a Frangipani, and no amount of resistance will be tolerated. It has produced absolutely lovely foliage this year after coming to live on the edge of nowhere last fall, but the blooms have been relatively (and stunningly) puny so far. But, I have hope that this is just the start and I will baby it through this season and through the oncoming fall and (dare I say it) winter solstice. Solstice because we really do not experience winter here on the edge of nowhere, usually it is just a few days of inconveniently cool weather, something else for us all to be distracted over and to complain about. But, we would welcome it right about now, no matter what it was.
All the issues I worried over and fraught over and lost sleep over the weekend because of came to satisfactory conclusions, and all the worst case scenarios we for naught as it turned out. Many MANY times I reminded myself that the worst cases very seldom come to fruition, but I worried anyway. Pointless, but it just goes to show you that Mondays can be worthwhile anyway.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BLOOMERS (but not the Diane kind), Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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