Wednesday, June 8, 2016

2016 - Day 160/206 - Wednesday...

Let me say this right in the beginning of this journal entry. I am not, have not ever been, and never want to be a student of traffic patterns, traffic flow, commuter habits, police incompetency, driver stupidity, tow-truck operator ethics or anything else that would constitute a learned appreciation for stopping traffic, just when things were getting better. It seems the big rig (to the right of this patrol vehicle) and the tow-truck in front of the aforementioned big rig, were minding their own business on the shoulder of the road. I am not sure why the patrol officer found it necessary to BLOCK one lane of traffic and check his/her Facebook messages. It seems the same affect could have been achieved (that of warning innocent motorists that there was a problem with the big rig) while parked BEHIND the truck with his visual warnings ablaze. Just saying. But instead, we lost one lane of traffic, caused back-ups for a couple miles, and caused more time to be wasted commuting into the city.


Deeds, Actions, Changes, TRAFFIC, Kindnesses, Wh
irled Peas, FUN!

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