Monday, June 20, 2016

2016 - Day 172/194 - Monday...

Step right up ladies and gentlemen, gentle readers of this web-log, this journal about nothing in particular. You have seen it here first! The highest recorded temperature in central Texas history was noted this afternoon on my ride home from the office, 310 degrees. Yes boys and girls, that is correct, 310 degrees. What? No, 310 degrees. What, that is not the temperature noted on the instrument cluster? What? 100 degrees. Oh, well...never mind. Yes, yes, I understand, yes, it only FELT like it was 310 degrees outside, yes, I see. Thank you very much.

There was another Barney sighting this afternoon. Vera saw him too. He actually lunged at Vera. That is the first time I have seen him make any aggressive actions towards the chickens. I am not sure what I will do if he (notice I am saying HE now instead of SHE since the behavior was mean-spirited) continues to wart the chickens, especially if Vera goes missing. I guess also, however, that that is just nature playing itself out to a logical end. Cats will be cats, and I can only assume that chickens taste like chicken to cats.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, HEAT, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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