Sunday, December 18, 2016

2016 - Day 353/13 - Sunday...

Yes, indeed, it did get zing last night. It is expected to be below freezing again overnight, and colder this evening than it was last evening. Then, a day or so above freezing (in the 40s tomorrow) and then one more day below freezing in the seven day forecast. I did not wrap the pipes last night, but they are wrapped and all cozy for tonight. We have had a fire in the stove since this morning, and I will keep it going overnight and Jody will tend to it tomorrow. The winds are supposed to die down this evening but there will be fewer clouds in the sky, so that will account for the colder temperatures. It is interesting that we here in central Texas are not prepared for cold weather. The same was really true when I lived in New Orleans. I do not remember cold weather being THAT much of a challenge when I lived in Memphis, and I know for sure it was not a problem when I lived in Michigan. There, we went into the basement, turned the water off to the exterior bibs, bled the pipes and that was it. Maybe there should be standards to keep pipes from freezing. Maybe not. This is a photo of the skies just before dark. Interesting clouds, and the sun was out, so that was nice.

The coming week should be a relatively quiet one, and we will be off on Friday.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, PIPES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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