Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2016 - Day 355/11 - Tuesday...

Of course, please be advised that I honestly believe that every sunrise and sunset are spectacular, just some are more noteworthy than others. I shall now proceed. There was a less than remarkable sunrise this morning, but I took a photo of it just because it has (seemingly) been a long time since we have seen the sun. By the time I was half-way into Austin, what sun there had been retreated into a large layer of low-clouds, and the skies were once again grey and overcast. The temperatures did make it up into the 50s this afternoon, and the winds have changed direction and are once again from the south. The professional prognosticators are predicting that the temperatures may hit the 80 degree mark for Christmas Day, with a slight chance of showers.

Welcome to the land of unpredictable weather.

Tonight is the longest night of the year, winter officially begins at about 4:30 tomorrow morning. Enjoy the night.

I failed to mention that yesterday was a red number day. Jody collected one egg from the girls. One egg in the whole month of December. Sheesh.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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