Saturday, August 5, 2017

2017 - Day 217/148 - Saturday...

Well, it's official. We really need rain. Today was the day I had not been looking forward to, but everything turned out alright so far. The water in the stock tanks is really low. There is a lot of water in it, but you know, cows pee in it, along with any variety of other wild life. And as long as they are peeing in it, they may get an urge to void something else, too. I expect it is not too much of a concern when we are having frequent rains and refilling the water levels, but that is not the case now. We are down to seven head of cattle, which is a manageable number, and there is still green grass back in the pastures, but it is getting really dry back there and all around here. SO...I cleaned out one of the four cattle troughs back there (I think one trough for seven head of cattle is plenty) and turned the water back on to that trough. The water lines from the road (meter) to the back pastures is about 1,200 feet (who knows for sure), and I was concerned that there might be a break in the lines. There are also four cutoffs between the meter and the troughs, so I can pretty well control the flow of water. BUT, it looks like there are no breaks in the line, and the cattle are now once again enjoying citified, chlorinated, fluorided water. They really preferred the city water all along, but there is no need to pay for their water when it was in the stock tanks provided by mother nature. I think they have been depending on stock tank water for a couple years now, maybe a little less, but it has been a while. I am really happy there were no breaks in the lines. If that had been the case, I would have had to go buy ALL the hoses at Home Depot, and we really don't need any more hoses. And now for something completely different. Jody and I went and had lunch at the Chick-Fil-A in Georgetown, which is something we do almost every Saturday. I lady across the aisle from us very discreetly covered herself and began to breast feed her infant child. Nothing at all wrong with that in my opinion, but then she reached into her back, retrieved her cell phone and started making phone calls. All the while she was also chaperoning about four other kids. Not that there is anything wrong with any of those actions, I was just surprised by the level of multi-tasking that one person could undertake. And there you have it. Deeds, Actions, Changes, TROUGHS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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