Well, we believe the real culprit was coyotes. Or a pack of something. Not the bad neighbors dog(s). I watched everything today, no activity. I did buy a couple more cameras, and I want to get a couple more before this is all done. We will have monitoring of the property pretty well covered before this is all over. The thought of some fencing did enter my mind, but if it is coyotes, they will be able to jump the fences. It is kind of eerie not seeing all the girls. Very few of the girls came around the house to the back patio where Jody usually feeds them. Kind of odd, but that is what happens out on the edge of nowhere. I was considering buying more checks later in the spring, but now I may try to get some grown laying hens somewhere, just not sure.
On a lighter note, this is a photo of the paper white that I got late last year (maybe late November) that comes in a bulb kit. I got one paper white and one amaryllis. The amaryllis has not caught up with the paper white yet, but I will give you all a report when it does. BUT, the paper white does have a lovely fragrance. Sweet.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PAPER WHITES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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