Overnight the winds shifted to the south, and the clouds rolled in, which meant there was no lunar eclipse viewing for us. So instead of lunar eclipse photos, you get a photo of Barney the Cat. We had not seen Barney for about a week, and we were very happy to see him yesterday, sitting on the driveway acting as if he had been there all the time. We have been having hawk problems, I told you about the hawk in the chicken pen the other day, well, yesterday there were two chickens and a hawk in the cast iron plants by the front porch. Jody went and roused them all out of there and the hawk flew up into a tree by the driveway. jody had a stern talking to to the hawk and let him/her/it know that he/she/it was not welcome, and that he was sure there were other targets in the area that were just as appealing to him/her/it.
Today was calmer, no signs of hawks or other predators, but I am concerned about it. We have been here going on ten years, and we have never (well, maybe we did and just didn't know it) had issues with coyotes or hawks. I hope this is not a new trend, but this weekend, there will be three or four plastic owls surrounding the perimeters.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BARNEY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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