Okay, the fart factor for the day was not as pronounced as yesterday, until just about 6:30. I was looking out the breakfast room window and noticed a cow that I did not recognize, and it was really a lot closer than I am used to seeing cattle from the breakfast room window. Upon further examination (doesn't everyone have binoculars on the breakfast room table?), I noticed the cow in question was all black (we don't have any solid black cattle), and this cow did not have any horns (all of our cattle have horns). SO...I put in a call to one neighbor and then the next (even the one I don't like), and there were no answers. I went out in the back (in my boxers which is kind of modest for out here on the Edge of Nowhere), and took a closer look at the cow, and noticed the good neighbor was at his place. I got on the Polaris and went over to chat, and promptly crashed through his electric fence. No real harm done, but... Anyway, not his cow. Called Capital Land and Cattle (they have pastures not far away) and reported that I thought one of their cattle was on our property. The said they would send a cowboy from Salado. Oh yippee! Went over to the neighbors that I don't like and it ended up being their cow. It took about an hour to get that cow off our property. Once it was off the property, I was done. Not my cow, not my circus.
Otherwise, a relatively uneventful day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, LOOSE LIVESTOCK, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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