This one particular weed has become quite prolific. This is the same plant that I photographed (is a cell phone camera really a camera, and does a cell phone camera (if it is indeed a camera) take a photograph?) a few days ago, but now there are about a half-dozen blooms on it as opposed to the single bloom I documented earlier. Interesting. What will happen is, once the blooms are gone, this single plant will make about five million seeds, and I will NEVER be able to get rid of all the sunflowers. I think a pre-emptive strike is called for. I will keep you informed!
So, we received 0.10" or rain today. Nothing great, but enough to keep from having to water for a little more time. Still supposed to be some more rain, but nothing like the prognosticators had been prognosticating. Hopefully we will end up with at least a half-inch when all is done, we are still short of 2/10 as it stands. After this, there is no more rain in the forecast for the foreseeable future, and it is expected to be hotter than usual starting on Thursday.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NO RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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