Of the twelve chicks we bought when Joe Mac and Carolyn were visiting, we have nine left. Chicks are fragile. Anything that is one day old is fragile. I (personally) am more days old than that, I I am fragile. And...just...well...you know...stuff happens. These chicks are now almost five weeks old, and in another three weeks, they will begin their migration to the big girl chicken coop. Pretty soon they will be free-ranging with the big girls and getting taught who is the boss chicken, and it will all be alright. It is kind of like junior high school for chickens. There is definitely a pecking order, some will not make it more than a month or two, but with age comes experience and life lessons. In their cases, it will be survival lessons. Where the safe places are in the yard, where not to linger too long, where is the water, where is the good food, stuff like that. Interestingly, it does not take chickens too long to figure out that there is an enhanced mortality rate of bugs directly under the night light by the driveway. Think what you want, but chickens have their own IQ levels.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHICKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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